Frigidaire French Door Refrigerator - 36" - 21.8-cu ft - FG4H2272VF


You will enjoy the versatile storage options and professional aesthetic design of this Frigidaire Gallery French door refrigerator. With a capacity of 21.8 cu ft, the limited depth of the refrigerator is entirely compensated by an efficient organization system that allows direct access to 75% of your products. Food preservation is optimal with CrispSeal humidity-controlled crispers and the CustomFlex middle drawer to store deli meats at the desired temperature. The PureAir Ultra filter eliminates unpleasant odours and ensures extended freshness, while the TwinTech cooling system controls any temperature change that can occur in the refrigerator and freezer. Finally, the water and ice dispenser features a filtration system that eliminates 99.9% of sediments and provides enough space for large pitchers.

Custom-Flex® Temp Drawer

Auto CrispSeal(TM) Crisper Drawers

OpenAccess(TM) Door

TwinTech(TM) Cooling System

36” W x 70” H x 29.63" D

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